Walkie-talkies are still being used in public safety and the private commercial industry as they are reliable and durable communication devices. They have advanced to serve the needs of modern times and have incorporated more advanced technology such as GPS tracking and digital apps to serve better. Several manufacturers are making digital walkie-talkies, and consumers prefer to opt for more suitable and affordable brands. However, switching brands when upgrading your system, or adding products from a different manufacturer can create problems, if the devices from different manufacturers can not work or communicate with each other. DMRwalkie-talkies are a cost-efficient solution for this problem and hence are considered a more suitable option. DMR or Digital Mobile Radio is an international standard set for two-way radios that allow equipment developed by different manufacturers to operate together on the same network for all the functions defined within the standard. It minimizes the complexity and cost of communication established over radio waves.
However, DMR standard demands only listed few features to be compatible across the manufacturer and not all the features. Below are the listed features and standards you should look into before committing to a particular DMR walkie-talkie radio.
Frequency Range and License
As the standard, all DMR radios operate in the frequency range of 30 MHz (Megahertz) to 1 GHz (Gigahertz). This broad frequency range is further categorized in VHF (Very High Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency). Most DMR devices operate in the range of 136 – 174 MHz (VHF) to 403 – 527 MHz (UHF) parts of the spectrum. As per the law of a state some frequency range may or may not require an operating license, so you need to consider the extra hassle and cost of acquiring the license when choosing a particular frequency range. DMR Tier I radios do not require the license but they are more suitable for a few numbers of users and shorter converge area.
Range of DMR radio
The coverage range of DMR radio can significantly vary, as Tier I radios offer a limited range (100 meters) while there are walkie-talkies designed to meet the requirements of the aerospace application. These DMR radios used by astronauts in space make it possible to establish a connection from outside the world to the station on the Earth and offer coverage to an altitude of 408 km. Considering your need for a coverage area you must decide on the DMR you are looking for.
Trunking and Number of Channels
While license-free DMR I radio offers limited channels and range, the licensed DMR II allows more channels, larger ranges, and advanced features comparatively. DMR III enables the trunking feature for higher efficiency. You should consider features and the added cost accordion to your needs.
MCMC Label
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission MCMC is a regulatory body that tests walkie talkie manufactured and sold in Malaysia for quality standards. You must purchase MCMC approved walkie-talkie for the best value for money. The MCMC approved devices have a label on them with a QR code that can be scanned and verified online. It is recommended that you look for the label and verify its authenticity before committing and purchasing a walkie-talkie set.