KIRISUN is a well-known brand for two-way radios. They are a reliable name in the market for walkie-talkies. They have made a major contribution to digital radio communication devices. One such remarkable product is the Kirisun PoC dispatcher solution. Poc Dispatcher solution is truly a modern take on well-established radio communication. It combines the benefits of sim cards, data, and of course walkie talkie for the benefit of users. This is a great investment for professionals who take instant communication seriously. It is suitable for in-building use, single or multiple sites, wide areas, or island coverage areas.
PoC dispatcher solution is a device where instant and crisp audio communication is critical. This Digital walkie-talkie is an android based device with advanced features that makes it stand out among other digital radios. This device can send and receive voice calls as well as text messages. It also supports group chats. It offers an unlimited coverage range, allowing communication possible everywhere and anywhere.
The dispatcher console has features like geofencing, history playback, and alerts for the safety of the crew members. It also keeps call history logs, and users can create member lists, send messages, or monitor statuses.
The mobile terminal is dual sim enabled. It has a 1.77-inch display screen. It supports short messages and tone alerts.
The dual-mode terminal has a 4-inch display screen and dual HD camera. It supports DMR, Poc, and Tier 3. It supports dual SIM and dual 4G.
Below is a list of some features that make this model the ultimate solution for critical communication.
- Support individual calls, group calls, temporary groups, and emergency break-ins.
- It also supports member lists and status monitoring.
- Supports 2G. 3G, and 4G network connectivity.
- It supports audio recording, download, and payback.
- Real-time geolocation tracking and location fencing
- It is equipped with calling history recording and
- It supports multiple maps including Google Maps, open street, and satellite maps.
- PTT will enable users to stay connected with an “unlimited range”
- PoC will enable users to make group calls with a single button
- Global communication without any roaming charges
- Cost-effective solution that offers Smooth expansion and fast deployment
- Supports 3rd party apps
- Remote upgrade enabled
This device is suitable for several sectors including logistics, transportation, construction, shopping malls, hospitality, and security services.