When it comes to even management communication, efficacy, urgency and time management are crucial. If you have been in event planning or managing business for a while, you would know that in events like concerts and public speaking or even weddings when there is crowd getting in the way of coordinating with your team and it could become difficult to keep track of things. Of course, there are other factors included too as events could be indoors or outdoors, mobile network and internet access may or may not be available and the venue could be vast (like a racecourse or multistorey building) or compact and crowded (like an auditorium). With impaired communication within your own team, it gets hard to coordinate various moving parts and the probability of things going wrong increases dramatically. This could lead to embarrassing disasters and even losing business with the current client and the possibility of getting future referrals. You do not wish to damage your reputation in the market and therefore understand that investing in communication gadgets is vital for your business.
Two-way radio devices used for communication are also popularly named as Walkie Talkie devices. These are the communication gadget of choice for the most event management businesses. As the name indicated the device enables you to stay connected with your team members while you are on the go. As you walk around the worksite, making things happen for your clients you can stay in the loop with your team to give instructions and receive updates from them.
1- Group Calls
Communication is vital for success, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about careers, relationships or event management business. Event management requires preparations and planings in advance as well as on-site action. You plan things beforehand and discuss the plans with your team in detail and explain their roles. Still, when you are on-site, managing the event in real-time, executing your plan, you need to share information to get things done correctly. In order to launch the next part of your plan, you need t to ensure the last one was done correctly and wrapped up. For smooth operations you need clear communication which is efficiently delivered by group calls enabled walkie talkies. Bonus, you will not have to pay extra charges for calls to mobile networking companies and internet service providers.
2- Team Management
Things don’t always go the way you planned, you may have fallings here and there. A vendor may not show up at the last moment or a team member may call in sick. It is crucial that you stay up to date with your team and send out clear instructions to them when things do not go the way they were planned. You need a well-organized team to save yourself from embarrassing moments and for that reason, communication gadgets are the handiest thing to carry with you. They can fit in your pocket, are lightweight and the best value for your money.
3- Security
An event management company does not only manages the conduction of the event, but it is also lending its services to the client for monitoring who is coming in and out of the venue. This means that you are gatekeeping and in charge of security too. This task also requires communication, and therefore all the security services providers invest in walkie talkies. You should do the same.
In event management, another thing of concern is the security risk involved relevant to onsite accidents. While you are moving things in and out, sometimes heavier stuff, there is always a probability of accidents and things falling off. It will not only hurt you financially if one of your expensive item fells and break, but some can also get injured and you can even be sued. This will be serious damage to your business, but luckily with better coordination and communication with the help of walkie talkies, you can avoid such situations easily.
4- Time Management
Best selling author Daniel H. Pink has quoted Miles Davis in his latest book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect timing: “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing” If you can manage the time you can practically manage anything from events, businesses and lives. If you are an event management business you have dealt with situations gone from bad to disastrous just because important information was not communicated at the right time. You need to get things done within a time frame and products and services need to be delivered on time. Sometimes precision of timing is very crucial and this could be nerve-wracking if you do not have live communication with your team members.
5- Coverage
You can’t always choose where people wish to have their events and you can’t refuse a client just because the venue is a remote location like deep in forests or high up in the mountains where mobile phones and internet devices do not catch signals. Walkie Talkie devices make communication happen in realtime even in the places where mobile network and internet coverage is poor or not available. While you may need to stay in closer proximity with your team to stay connected in comparison to if you were connecting through a sim card mobile network or internet, they work fine in remote places. Similarly, you get a clear audio connection under all weather conditions.
It is recommended that you do market research before buying a walkie talkie device for your professional needs and only invest in a good quality gadget with extended battery timing and great RF coverage factor.